At 60, he leaves
if he had a penny in his pocket
he’d fly to London
his dad had always said.

At 60, he’s unshackled
not limited by his age

At 60, he’s leaving her behind
(howsoever briefly – but he is)
oh! the solemn vows

At 60, he wants neither money nor power
he just cannot bear an idle mind
his happiness is rooted in fulfilling work

I did learn to be me at his knee
I wonder whether I’d be any different.

At 60, she is hurt
a lioness gives birth to a single cub
and lives without worry
but none of us turned out to be the cub she deserved

At 60, she has spent way too much of her life
devoted to anything but herself
she now knows no other way

To whom should she turn?
Is that why she does not put up a fight?

Her tears, even those she has learned to hide over the years
They are my cross to bear

It’s a different shade of gray when you put your needs above the needs of those you love
Maybe because the pain of a loved one does not hurt you as frequently as your own


Written: December, 2019